A review by threerings
Houdini on Magic by Harry Houdini


I've been interested in both magic and Houdini for a long time. After reading a biography of him last year I wanted to read his own writings. This is the only one I've tracked down so far. It was totally worth reading. First of all, warning, it DOES reveal how some of his tricks and how lots of other magic tricks are done. Much of the book is very technical, in reference to handcuff escapes, rope escapes, and small impromptu slight of hand magic. This is actually a really great book for someone interesting in practicing magic themselves, as you can learn a number of tricks from it.

So there is a lot here that might have been very dry, but I enjoyed it and read through it pretty quickly. I think you need to have a pretty significant interest in the subject, but if you do I highly recommend the book.