A review by ladymipo
Spur der Angst. by John Sandford


I love Rinker xD I think I love her more than I love Davenport.. I like him, sometimes I like him a lot! but I just... he is too much like the people he is after, and I like the people he is after better than him because they are honest, it's like ok I'm a cop, I do what I gotta do and deep down I know I'm a sick guy just like the ones I'm after but I just won't admit it.. I think I would like him more if he admited it to himself.. that there's just something so wrong with him. Anyway I still really like this series, loved the call in the end, really, a lot! I knew that Carmel was gonna snap, Lucas was just full-out on her, she was crazy but I just wanted her to survive until I don't know, Christmas? so she could have gone vacationating with Rinker xD I know I know... but hey! One can dream right?