A review by daniellewalsh
War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line by David Nott


War Doctor is the devestating, heartbreaking but inspirational story of David Nott's experience of being a surgeon on the front line. Nott works at three British hospitals and regularly went to war torn countries as humanitarian aid. Helping those who have been shot, blown apart and buried by war. Some of the stories are truely horrific, and is hard to imagine being able to deal with these situations so calmly.

From rural Wales to Syria, Nott's journey is such an important one - not only has he helped save countless lives directly but his determination to train others to ensure that survival rates were as high as possible was incredible. And now the David Nott Foundation makes the training accessible for so many more surgeons to learn the adaptation of their skills to hostile and austere environments.

A horrifically shocking book that really shows man's inhumanity to man whilst still showing the glimmers of hope in society, that there are good people on this planet, among such horror and despair.