A review by ladywestfall
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


THIS IS SO SO GOOD! It has been quite long since I have loved another fantasy novel. I am still reeling with all the emotions after reading it. Damn, all the betrayals, conspiracies, lies and twists just blew out in my face! I honestly thought this would be such a cliché, knowing that it also revolves around Faeries. I have had read my fair share of books about the Faerie kingdom and lemme say that Fae characters are so charming and h o t. Needless to say, I dived in blindly into this book, quite sure I am going to get an alpha, sexy, fae male but holla, I got more than what I wanted.

I never knew I needed Cardan until I met him in this book. He's not all so bad and he's not all good. I LOVE HIM AND I DON'T EXACTLY KNOW WHY. Maybe it's because he is also just as fragile and scared under all those bravado. I LOVE SOFTIES. Those types who you think could kill but could not even touch a fly. I don't exactly know if he'll end up to be all good or all bad throughout the series or if he ends up betraying us all but I think, I will still love him just as much. (You know, I love Loki Odinson to the ends of earth. That is saying much)

What's more interesting is that I think I am more inlove with Jude. I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED A STUPIDLY FEARLESS, RECKLESS AND A MASTER LIAR HEROINE UNTIL I MET JUDE IN THIS BOOK!!! Oh my god. She truly is a brave mortal in such a cruel world. I can't wait for more of her! I cannot really predict what goes on in her mind. She's just everything I wanted in a heroine. She is not perfect, sure. I NEVER NEEDED PERFECT! I NEED REAL! I LOVE THE WAY SHE IS. I LOVE HOW SHE STANDS HER GROUND TO WHAT SHE WANTS. SHE WANTS TO BELONG IN FAERIE, SHE WANTS TO EARN HER PLACE, SHE WANTS IT TO BE ALL HER HARDWORK AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW MUCH MORE SHE CAN BRING INTO THE STORY! I AM JUST SO EFFIN' EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!

Also, I've always known that there is something fishy about Locke! Ha. The nice guy always have something up his sleeve and it's mostly not good. I also do not like Taryn, ugh, she gets on my nerves. The typical female character I despise. The type who likes all the goodies and selfishly acts for her own benefit. Uuuugggh!

I am also excited on getting more of Cardan and Jude's relationship, may that be romantic or just them plainly hating each other. I do enjoy both so much. I love how they legit hate each other. It just makes everything more interesting on to how this will develop in the upcoming books of the series.

I ALSO LOVE THAT THIS BOOK DIDN'T REALLY SHY OFF ON THE CRUELTY. Oh, how I hated Valerian but he did got what he reserved in the end. I also like that there was no damsel in distress situation because I'm so tired of the male always saving the day. I love how Jude has the power over Cardan even though she is mortal. I like that Cardan isn't as fit as a warrior. I love that Jude can win over a fight with Cardan given a sword. I love that they're both not perfect. I love all their flaws. I love how lazy Cardan is and doesn't like responsibilities. THAT IS SO RELATABLE FOR ME. I love how badass Jude is. I love how Cardan and Jude hate each other and at the same time, they have the hots for each other. I know I'm just rumbling in here and I am just typing everything that I could think of. My fingers are so numb now, I better stop.