A review by thatashgirl83
Cake by Derekica Snake


Contains Spoilers.

Ok first off, I don't like to abandon a book, which is why I trudged my way through this one. I've got a few major issues with this book. The storyline wasn't horrible, it had some humor in it and I actually liked the characters. But here are the issues:

1. I have never read a book with so many typos, spelling mistakes and gramatical errors in my life. I mean I'm all for literary license but holy sentence fragment Batman

2. Rape rape everywhere. I mean the main characters is raped daily for a year by a guy who was raped by his father and family his entire life and then gets raped by the guy he raped but it's ok Because...

3. Split personalities. Both main characters have multiple personalities. An angry homicidal assassin one who rapes and a cute cuddly submissive one that takes it. To make matters worse one character has 3 personalities. He added a slutty one on top of the other two. So if you keep in mind all the personalities of three characters you have like a half dozen relationship pairings because gee wiz, the alternate personalities like eachother. Which is good because their other personalities try to kill eachother. Keeping the names straight and remembering who loves who and who rapes who was frustrating.

4. Cheesy words for sex and various body parts. It's your ass or anus or whatever, not a portal. Calling it a portal brings to mind video games and alternate dimensions. Also its cum or sperm or whatever, not "an offering". This isn't ancient Greece and you're not leaving flowers or a dead animal to a God. Finally it's sex or fucking or intercourse or boinking or WHATEVER most people call it. But asking for consent and then saying "Consent me hard" is just stupid. And it is mentioned more than once. And every time I have a mental sigh.

The sad thing is with some simple modifications this could actually have been a good book. It had a good base but was ruined by the execution.