A review by marmoo
Carry on by Rainbow Rowell


There was even more to enjoy in this gem of a book on a reread. With [b:Fangirl|16068905|Fangirl|Rainbow Rowell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1355886270l/16068905._SX50_.jpg|21861351] a tad further from my mind (albeit always close to my heart!), it was easier to read as a its own self contained story rather than merely an ambitious, deeply meta experiment.

Even through that lens, of course, this is an intentionally meta book, with the primary plot tension coming from how it subverts or fulfills our expectations of the familiar “Chosen One” story.

It’s a high degree of difficultly, introducing the reader at the narrative equivalent of the 7th season of "Buffy" or the 7th book of Harry Potter, but Rainbow Rowell manages to pull it off with her signature mix of quippy dialogue, heartfelt emotional beats, and deeply charming characters. That surplus of charm more than make up for the quibble here and there I had about the pacing.