A review by alice_c
The Things I Didn't Say by Kylie Fornasier


4.5 STARS!
I had an exam this morning and then came home and read most of this book in 4 hours, I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! Piper's story had be absolutely intrigued. I did not know anything about Selective Mutism before I read this book, and while I have never personally experienced what Piper goes through on a daily basis, I found it super interesting to see how interacting with different people affected her. With her family, Piper is able to speak like anyone else. But in social situations, the words just won't come. The writing style grew on me as I read more and got used to being in Piper's mind.
I loved Piper's romance with West, although I had a bit of a hard time seeing past the cliche of "hot talented guy" But then again, "hot talented guy" is not a bad cliche to read about...
I also loved reading about Piper's family. They seemed really authentic to me. The way Piper's siblings acted and the things they said were appropriate to their ages.
And AUSTRALIA!! Omg it feels good to read a book actually set in my own country, even if I still only had vague ideas of all the places mentioned in NSW. I now have an urge to go to the State Library next time I'm in the city (Melbourne, that is) and find the trees Piper mentions. It's obvious how much research Kylie puts into her novels so I'm hoping the trees are really there haha!
Can't wait to read what you release next, Kylie!