A review by bdavies17
Heat by Tory Temple


Ugh, Chance annoyed the ever loving F@ck out of me at the end. What a total jerk, to the point that he was mad Tucker was masturbating? I disagree with Robert, I think their split was 110% Chance’s fault. I don’t care what you’re going through, no one should be subjected to that kind of verbal/emotional abuse for that long. Maybe Tucker could have suggested therapy, but I didn’t blame him for not wanting to be Chance’s verbal punching bag. And really, Chance can’t bring himself to apologize? If I was Tucker, I sure wouldn’t have been at that ceremony. Chance was the dick, he needed to be the one to make the grand gesture. Besides, if that’s what Chance reverts to when things get tough, we’ll Tucker can expect more of it in his future, because life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows everyday.

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