A review by lokiisreading
The Last Dragon of the East by Katrina Kwan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 45%.
Thank you to Saga Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, for the free
copy for review.

I was unfortunately  fooled by a pretty cover. 

The beginning was just slow and didn't engage me at all. BUT I wanted to know about this dragon, and why Sai had that frayed thread, so I continued. It started to pick up, but it's still not engaging enough for you. One thing I couldn't stand while reading was figuring out the time period in comparison to how our main characters spoke? (I hope this makes sense) It's like the side characters all spoke with what I expected the people of that time (emperor times lol) to speak, but our MCs spoke very modernly??? MIND YOU this wasn't consistent AT ALL. I just couldn't place this story any where in my head while reading. 

I finally reached my DNF point when Jyn and Sai were running from the three legged red eyed crows, and the scene to me was just boring :/ like this was supposed to be them running from the emperor, and I was so disinterested in if they lived or died. I'm connecting the dots that Jyn and Sai were lovers in a past life and Sai is just regaining his memory of that time, but IT'S DRAGGING!! And it was starting to annoy me that Jen just wouldn't tell him anything (maybe she couldn't... but I'll never know now).

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