A review by fallingwings
City of Thorns by C.N. Crawford


This was a fun and quick little read. I'm not sure why, but I was able to fly through this book within the matter of two weeks. No, this book isn't a favorite of mine and no, there's nothing that stood out about it to me.

I think it was due to the fact that the main character (up until the last few chapters) wasn't this super special protagonist we get in many books nowadays. She was just an ordinary person who had to use her wits and brains to survive the situations she was thrown into. Other than the first and last few chapters, I actually really enjoyed her as a protagonist. I want more protagonists like this in stories who aren't anything special, who don't have supernatural powers, who have to use whatever is at their disposal in order to survive, and who don't come from some high class ranking family.

However, there were some things I had a very hard time believing. For example, how our protagonist is in her early twenties and has never had an orgasm before, how a particular character is an incubus and has been alive for a few hundred years yet has never had sex with a mortal despite the urge to, etc.

I did, unfortunately, start to loose interest near the end and that was because we get tropes thrown in our faces, primarily the one where we learn our protagonist is "special".
SpoilerI swear, if she turns out to be that goddess Orion has a boner for, I will burn the book in my firepit outside.

I didn't like how the spell
Spoileron her was broken and she could suddenly use her powers and fight without any trouble, like she had been doing it her entire life even though--as of right now--there is no evidence she has used or had training with them before

None of the questions were ever answered either, unfortunately. We literally are still left in the dark about things at the end, including new things, without any idea as to what happened as we were in the beginning.

So yeah, the book was fun and a quick read, but it doesn't get many points in progressing the plot or giving us answers.