A review by saloniporwal
Picture Perfect Boyfriend by Becky Dean


I didn't realize I needed this book so badly!! Picture perfect boyfriend is the most rejuvenating summer novel I've read, and here's why.

What would you do if your imaginary boyfriend- who you made up to impress your family- actually turned up on vacation? Exactly our MCs situation. Kenzie is a photographer at heart but reinvents herself for her parent's happiness.

As I do often nowadays, I requested this novel a while back, completely forgot what it was about, and started reading without checking the blurb. Turns out it was a great decision!

I am supremely impressed by the characters, whom I fell in love with instantly, and the ones I wasn't sure about became alright by the end. Kenzie is a relatable, comfort character in a tough dillema. Parent's approval Vs her happiness.

Enter fake Jacob Miller. Good looking, EXACTLY like the guy she made up, and more understanding than her family. I shipped him and Kenz from the very start, their chemistry was fire!! He fit in with her like a puzzle piece, from the very start. (I adored the interlocked hands from the very start). Just a minute complaint here- Jacob's physical description didn't match my mental image of a cute 19 yo guy. I felt that the description more suited a mature 20- something man.

Special mention for gran!! Everyone needs this bold, impulsive, slightly crazy woman supporting them every step along the way.

I loved the climax as it popped when I was not expecting it. The ending was sweet and I think I need a part 2 coz this was just sooo good!!

You've made it this far so I might as well tell you- the title is just elite! While reading, I just realised that it made so much sense in so many ways, it's so cool. I can't stop thinking about how to interpret the title with respect to the story there are so many references!!!!

So obviously, I loved this book (Thank you Becky Dean for penning it down<3) and would love for you to read it. Tell me your thoughts about the book/ my review!!