A review by pznightingale
Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire


Listen. These books are so popular. And I can tell why, I really can. I am borderline obsessed with the premise of this series. I am so disappointed that they aren't just a little better. So much of it is so horribly cringe-inducing. Here's my impression of one of the early scenes in this book:

Cora ran around, thinking about how she was fat, until she collided with Christopher.
"I'm fat!" she cried, her unusually colored hair and eyes flailing.
"I know what you mean," Christopher said with a sage nod as he picked himself up from the ground. "I'm Mexican."

Why can't these people introduce themselves without declaring whichever personality trait the author decides is the most outside the norm for them? Why does the fat character have to think about how fat she is every time we spend a second in her POV? Why can't there be a little bit of subtlety here? I want to hear more about these characters in a meaningful way. I'm so disappointed that these are so close to good, but they're just not that good.

Also am I on my own in wondering if it's totally necessary that these teenaged characters keep having deadpan, clinical discussions about their genitals? Why don't I get these books?