A review by alexis_sara
Goldie Vance, Vol. 3 by Hope Larson


Goldie Vance Volume 3 was an amazing volume, my 4 star rating is really rocking between a 5 star but I think some of the few problems I have manage to pull it back just that little bit (if it was out of 10 it be like a 9/10). The comics art is great but it is a shame to see Williams off the book. Noah Hayes and Sarah Stern do a fantasy job in creating a world that is Goldie Vance but does have their own slice of flavor, this almost feels like the style they would use for a Goldie Vance the animated series. I Really wish they would do more to flesh out Goldie's girlfriend Diane because it's hard not to want her to be in a romantic thing with Sugar or her best friend when your seeing these really deep bounds form in these volumes but just see Diane being a quick helper for Goldie. I think there is great that Diane is there and it really adds to Goldie and the story. I just wish that bit was done a bit stronger. Outside of that I think there was just a few moments that felt like maybe they coulda been trimmed or cut but I imagine part of this is just having twists and turns and needing that length to be hit. Regardless I really liked the book and represent this to readers (you could probably jump in here but your better off having read the first two volumes to not like Sugar and then be made to like her).