A review by getcremebrulaid
Brightly Burning Bridges by Ivy Wild


I didn’t think it would be possible to like Silas after how awful he was in the first book, but this books proved that there was more to him than meets the surface. Granted, he’s still a real pain in the ass in this bully romance. But, we get a look inside him mind and learn some backstory that explains why he is the way he is. Some therapy would help, but Skyler brings out the best in him anyways.

This books takes place in two timelines - high school and post college. Both are labeled pretty clearly, as the story jumps back and forth. It’s mostly from Skyler and Silas’s perspective this time around, with one chapter from an additional point of view. In the present, Silas is going through an audit that he needs additional help with. He doesn’t trust many people but something calls him to his old fr(enemy) Skyler. He knows she’s one of the few people he can trust, so he offers her a job position as his assistant that comes with perks like a handsome paycheck and a free apartment. Skyler on the other hand has been trying to forget him since high school. All he ever did was cause problems back then, so the thought of working with him now is nauseating. But when it comes to the money, she can’t say no to his job offer. As the story progresses we find out more about what actually went down in high school and how they became enemies. While simultaneously working to save his reputation in the present.

There were surprisingly a lot of heartfelt moments. Both Silas and Skyler have an interesting family dynamic. Watching their interactions with their parents was heartbreaking at times. Watching them as teenagers was so frustrating because it’s so clear that they care about each other, but they get caught up in the chaos that is high school. It’s hard to be genuine, when everyone’s encouraging you to act a certain way to fit in. Then bouncing to the present and seeing that they never resolved their issues. By the end I was rooting so hard for them to just open their eyes and see what’s been right in front of them their whole life.

I will say that the ending was an unexpected plot twist. I wasn’t prepared for anything that happened until the craziness was already taking place. The villain of the story was a wild card for me. Looking back, I could see all the signs. But in the moment I was blissfully unaware of who was going to ruin Silas’s life.

Even though Silas was a hateful character I still felt for him by the end. The amount of character development he goes through was impressive. It showed that even the worst of characters can be redeemed. Plus it made it that much more satisfying when Si and Sky get their happily ever after. I thought the book was very entertaining and fast paced. The tension between the characters is intense. It took me less than a day to finish it. All in all, a great read. I normally don’t care for second chance romances, but this one held my attention.