A review by spaces_and_solaces
Murder at the Serpentine Bridge by Andrea Penrose


I do not have words to express my fascination of this genre. If anyone were to ask me, “if given a chance, would I visit the past or the future?”, I would unfailingly say The Past!! Since, that is not possible, I make do with History Texts & Historical Fiction
Andrea Penrose weaves a magical world full of historical intrigue with characters so rich and warm you can’t help but demand more of them. This series explores the world of mystery and suspense in the Regency era, (Years 1811 to 1820) & the protagonist are intelligent, quirky and you’d definitely want to be friends irl.
Book #6 of the Wrexford & Sloane Series did not disappoint! Charlotte and Wrex find themselves embroiled in yet another dangerous mystery, but this time the stakes are that much higher.
The characters in this book are more fleshed out, which gives rise to a deeper understanding of the plot and the ongoings during the Regency Era. As usual the banter between Wrex, Charlotte and the kids is smart, sharp, and funny.
The plot is unbelievably well researched with devious politicians & international affairs giving it an extra edge, but the pièce de résistance comes from the author’s strength of blending history & suspense together to create a wonderful story with a touch of romance.