A review by alysia_reads
Hawk by Lila Grey


This is my personal opinion on this book please to not take this review as the end all be all. Read the book and come to your own conclusions.

This was an MC romance story where the FMC was in an abusive relationship for 10 years, she finally had enough after her boyfriend almost killed her and she left him. While Sav had interactions with the Devil's Highwaymen because she worked in the diner they owned she was not a part of their group. Hawk is a member of the MC and he is your typical alpha male. He saves Sav after she has been beaten almost to death by Loydd. The book focuses on their relationship and the fallout from Sav leaving Loydd. I really enjoyed the story and finished it in one day however, there were a few problems I had with the book which is why it received 4 stars from me instead of 5. The first issue I had was that it seemed to jump around a lot and there was not a cohesive flow to the story. The second issue I had was how Sav seemed to go from her abusive relationship with a man who was drunk most of the times he beat her to Hawk who came to her on numerous occasions hung over because he had been drinking because he could not handle his issues. She did not ever seem to be bothered by that or worried about the fact that he used alcohol to cope. The last issues is a purely personal one. I cannot stand a whiny FMC. Yes, there were moments when Sav was strong and stood up for herself and those were in moments where most people would have been terrified, but then there were a lot of moments that she just whined and threw a pity party and that just drove me nuts. Despite these things this was still a good book and I look forward to reading the rest of this series.