A review by the_novel_approach
Einstein's Peep Show by Josephine Myles


4.5 Stars ~ I must admit that author Josephine Myles is an auto-buy for me. I enjoy her work thoroughly and am never disappointed with her brilliant stories. Her newest novella, Einstein’s Peep Show, is funny, sweet and a wee bit hot.

Nathan has crunched the numbers over and over, and even can show you his spreadsheet, and the reality is the best money while investing the least amount of time was made while being a sex model online. After all a guy who is putting himself through Uni needs as many breaks as he can get; hence, he performs soft porn online for money. However, his client is getting more demanding and when he insists that Nathan (aka “Einstein”) bring in another guy, Nathan goes to the first and most logical person he can think of–his next door neighbor Rory.

Rory is a fairly happy and contented guy. He has a good job, a nice apartment, and okay, so maybe his love life is a little sketchy, but the clubs are always there if he needs to scratch an itch. So when his nerdy yet oddly appealing next door neighbor asked him if he wanted a blowjob, Rory did not hesitate to say, hell yes. Finding out that it would be online added a little zing to the whole experience. What neither young man expected was that after the cameras turned off, there was still that odd little zing–surely it couldn’t be love?

The beauty of this story was in the careful peeling away of layers that allowed us to learn more and more about both Nathan and Rory. Piece by piece, we learn how Nathan was mistreated by a former boyfriend–made to feel he was inadequate–and that love was not real. We get to see the tender heart that Rory hides behind his sarcastic teasing and dry humor, and realize he really is actually a very lonely guy who is ready to settle down with someone special.

Was this story too short? Yes, of course, but only because Josephine Myles gave us two lovely main characters that capture our imagination and our hearts. While some of this relationship did end up off the page with the author telling us about it rather than us watching it evolve, I felt that, too, was handled as best as it could be, given the length of the book. Really the only complaint I have is that I want more of these two men–I would love to see a follow up novel exploring their life together as a couple. All in all, the quick and delightful humor, smart dialogue and intriguing premise made Einstein’s Peep Show a sweet romance that I would not hesitate to read again.

Reviewed by Sammy for The Novel Approach Reviews