A review by spacewhombus
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken


Wow... I wish I could give this one six stars. It’s essentially a short explanation of 80-100 solutions currently in practice worldwide that could most reduce global warming, plus innovative ideas that are in the works but not yet widely practiced (marine permaculture was one of the most interesting for me!). They also provided their methodology and huge list of contributing scientists and professionals at the back, in addition to short lists of the solutions ranked by impact.

The impact of certain solutions really surprised me, and I would have never guessed all of the top 10 most impactful solutions (for example, number 6 is educating women and girls!). As this book’s stated intention is to make the reader think about their own impact and how they can be a part of this collective movement, I can guarantee this worked!

In addition to describing each solution in terms anyone could understand (even nuclear fusion, yes!) the authors really emphasized the role of humanity in a reciprocal and interconnected relationship with nature. And they also chose to focus on hopeful language and opportunities for innovation, which has been proven to be a better method at getting people to care about climate change than just repeating depressing climate trends.

Don’t worry about reading this all at once because there isn’t really a narrative to follow- I read it in little bursts over a few months and it was just fine. Definitely recommended :)