A review by greenldydragon
Ironskin by Tina Connolly


This book is really interesting from the start based off of the unique twists the author has made to the standard fantasy/alternative reality world. The fae do not have actual bodies, but rather can steal the bodies of humans that they have killed. If you are only injured, then you are left with a fae curse. I won't go into too much detail, as that'd be "spoilers", but wearing a mask of iron helps the main character control her curse and its' effects on the people around her. This sets up a curious background for the Jane Eyre-like plot. It took only one chapter to start to feel connected to the main character, Jane, but the overall star (in my mind) is Poole (the butler). Poole is awesome. She only really comes into focus the last half of the book, but I'd love to read an entire novel about her! We only learn a small amount about her background, but what she does reveal is extremely interesting (at least to my over-exuberant imagination).

I would definitely recommend reading this book if you are into fantasy, steampunk or jane eyre.