A review by rouver
The Mighty Thor, Vol. 2: Lords of Midgard by Jason Aaron


Apparently, a comic about a female Thor still requires about 1/3 of it to be about the previous Thor (aka Thunderboy). The backstory was interesting, but I question whether it was necessary to have 21 pages dedicated to basically saying Loki can turn henchmen into near-Hulks with some dragon blood. Look, it only took me half a sentence!
S.H.I.E.L.D. is spending a lot of energy trying to prove that Jane Foster is the new Thor, and they're kind of huge jerks about it. The war continues, but this volume mostly focuses on bad guys warring with each other. We do get a nice little surprise at the end & learn more about the history of Mjolnir. I've enjoyed these & am looking forward to seeing what happens....

...and if they finally stop giving Loki chin pubes