A review by openmypages
The Honeybee Emeralds by Amy Tector


Imagine you stumble upon a priceless, unique heirloom necklace in an old costume jacket in the basement of your office. What would you do? Well, when Alice finds this necklace she pulls together a team of friends within the magazine she works in to discover its origins. The magazine is struggling to remain afloat after the death of its illustrious owner and her son is thinking of closing up shop. This "Fellowship of the Necklace" is formed, each member of the group is motivated differently. They are amazed by the glamour, intrigued by the history and driven with a hope to tell the true story and save the magazine in the process.

The amount of famous hands who touched this necklace throughout history is amazing. I liked the story was told mostly in the present with small chapters that gave us a window back to history. I was really intrigued by the different decades of history presented to us throughout France and how the necklace was used at different times by different women to get themselves out of scrapes. We see glitz and glam, beautiful love stories, scenes of war and intrigue.

Alice was my favorite character, a middle Eastern woman who immigrated to the EU serving as an intern to the magazine, she has nothing to claim as her own. She is sweet and innocent and so in awe of everything going on around her. Most of the rest of the "Fellowship of the Necklace" I could have taken or left. The women who held the necklace over the years though were all quite fascinating (I won't spoil them but they are all well known and full of intrigue). I did this one on audio and the narrator was great.

Thanks to Netgalley for advanced access to this audiobook. All opinions above are my own.