A review by labriejames
Long Way Home by Katie McGarry


I love KG. I think she has amazing talent but I also thinks she holds back. As if she wants to add something but doesn’t or is a afraid to take that next step. Then again it could be her style.

I have three questions:

1. Is Chevy is actual name is that a road name like Razor and Oz?
2. How did Chevy’s dad die?
3. How did Violets dad die?

It bothers me greatly that those questions aren’t answered. They should have been in my opinion.

KG tends to be very vague or speaks in weird code when it comes to the “steamy” scenes so I’m always confused as to what the characters where doing or not doing. But I’m a point blank person and maybe that is just her style. But I was glad when she flat out said Chevy and Violet had sex and actually used those words when they talk about it because it drives me crazy when she beats around the bush. I’m not saying she needs to write erotica because that’s not what I want. I like that she has tame books. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t want clarification. So I liked that in this book.

I didn’t get much out of the characters though. Violets hobbies? Likes dislikes? Anything...

I liked the book but it wasn’t all there for me. Too many missing pieces

I found it extremely interesting that she brought Isaiah Walker into the story...

I also want Pigpens story with the English teacher. Sounds like a great story.