A review by skinnypenguin
Family Values by G.M. Ford


Leo Waterman finds his medical examiner girlfriend, Rebecca, on the floor of her condo with the gas on. She is being indicted for tampering with evidence and the cops think she tried to kill herself. Leo doesn't belive it and sets out to clear her. He ends up digging into the cases she supposedly tampered with which leads him into a lot of trouble.
Along the way he is nearly killed several times, teams up with a bodyguard to protect Rebecca and search for the attempted killers. He finds a guy was convicted of a murder he may not have committed and it is all tied to the case he is working. He comes up against wealthy powerful people and some scumbags. He also helps being down a child prostitution ring. He uses his homeless friends for surveillance and does his usual jib of wisecracking his way thru a case.
Enjoy the sense of humor mixed in with the who dunnit. Like how Leo can moves around the city so easily between the high society and the down and out. A fast paced entertaining read.