A review by michalice
Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting


As I stated in my review of Cupcakes and Ink, I have already read and loved this story as a fan-fiction, so when I saw it on netgalley I knew I had to request it as I was interested in seeing what had been changed to take it from fan-fiction to story. I also wanted to catch up with these characters again and get to read it in one go, instead of waiting for each new update.

For those who have yet to read Cupcakes and Ink I will briefly run through the backgrounds of each characters so you know who I am talking about in my review of Clipped Wings. Tenley is the protagonist, and has left the only place she calls home, to live in a new town, trying to escape her past. She ends up renting an apartment off Cassie, who is also Tenley's employer. Cassie is Hayden's aunt, he is a tattooist who works opposite Serendipity, Cassie's shop, and his visits to Serendipity become more regular in the hopes he gets to catch a glimpse of Tenley.

Clipped Wings was just as addictive as I remember, and when I got chance to sit and read without being disturbed I could not stop, I read till my battery died on my iPad, which was very disappointing, especially when I found out I literally had three pages left to read.
Tenley and Hayden are both trying to escape from their pasts, make a new life for themselves, but also trying keep their tentative relationship in once piece without the past coming back to haunt them or scare the other off. Somehow they manage to make the other person better. Being with each other means Tenley can get more good nights of sleep than not, and Hayden is starting to see what a life without all of his history could be like, with someone who loves him for being him. I love Hayden OCDness, how everything has to be in place all the time, and his need to tidy up Tenley's clutter that she constantly leaves behind.

Clipped Wings slowly spills the secrets that the characters try so hard to hide. You are kept questioning what happened and being slowly fed more pieces for you to put together yourself. The relationship between Tenley and Hayden is slow to start, but burns hard and fast when they realise their feelings for each other and I really enjoyed seeing the sparks fly. One thing I was super happy to see was TK, I had actually forgotten about TK, she is a polydactyl cat, and my heart melted all over again for her.

Reading Clipped Wings definitly makes you hungry, for food, hot tattooed men, and for more tattoos. The description of the cupcakes that Tenley bakes definitly make your mouth water, and wish you had a box or two handy to nibble on. The ink that is covering Hayden's body sounds amazing, as does the tattoo he has in store for Tenley, and I would love to see pictures of these designs in process.

The secondary characters in Clipped Wings, mainly Hayden and Tenley's friends, add to the atmosphere and overall feeling of the book. I love how they wind each other up, bounce off each other, and are there for each other even though one *coughhaydencough* was being a prat towards the other *coughchriscough* but when it all came down to the last page, Chris has Hayden's back and made him see sense.

Clipped Wings was just as good as I remember it to be, possibly even better. The only downfall is having to wait for the next book to be released to find out what happens next, even though I already know, I was so frustrated this morning when I finished reading to discover there was no more, and it was left on a cliff hanger. Can I have the next book now please??