A review by nietzschesghost
The PlayStation Dreamworld by Alfie Bown


Having enjoyed and gleaned much from Alfie Bown's 'Enjoying It: Candy Crush and Capitalism', I was intrigued to dive right into this, his take on Slavoj Žižek's Playstation Dreamworld. Although heavy on academic language, there is much to admire about this study. The fundamental principle analysed here is that like television advertisements, video games influence players whether they are aware of it or not. Through the lens of psychoanalysis, Bown explores the ways in which video games can be perceived and internalised by our subconscious and the implications this may have in terms of our political views.

As with most of Polity's publications, it reads very much like a PhD thesis, but it is well worth your time if you appreciate thought-provoking material. Although from the title you may have assumed this work is primarily addressing those who play such games, these theories actually have ramifications for the whole of humanity. With the upsurge in the use of technology, social media and the internet, it is crucial we all realise that our behaviour is likely being altered by those "pulling the strings". Only through this awareness will we be able to stop this once hidden influence that is blurring the line between fiction and reality so much that in the future the distinction quite possibly could disappear completely.

Many thanks to Polity for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.