A review by horrorqueen
Hunter's Way by Gerri Hill


A very competent lesbian crime thriller which introduces 2 detectives, Tori Hunter and Samantha Kennedy, and their squad in Dallas, Texas.

This book manages to create a compelling crime narrative, following the actions of a vicious serial killer, whilst creating a believable and very readable romance between the two leads. The characterisation shines in this example of lesbian crime writing, which doesn't always happen in this genre. The reader grows to really care for Tori, and indeed Sam, because of the way the characters have been carefully crafted. There is just enough backstory to keep up our interests in the history of the characters, paired with a very well done love story (I generally can't/don't read or like any romance in my crime novels, so anything overly soppy or cliche is out for me, but the romance here is wonderfully told).

I am looking forward to reading the rest of this series; if it is anything like this first outing, I'll be very pleased.