A review by rabbiting
The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled Lgbtq+ Advocate by Jeannie Gainsburg

I will abstain from giving this book a rating because I’m not the target audience and it contained no new information for me. I am queer and an outspoken queer advocate and a family member asked me to vet this for accuracy. I found it mostly accurate, with some pinprick inaccuracies such as viewing nonbinary individuals as between m/f and asexual being defined (loosely) as someone who does not want sex. Overall, however, I think this is a great entry-level text for people who want to be more inclusive but don’t know where to start. If you can do what my family member did and read it, then ask a queer person what they think about the different topics in it in an appropriate setting, then I think it’s a great springboard.