A review by kaylakaotik
Somewhere Out There by Amy Hatvany


The main thing I want to say about Somewhere Out There may be spoiler-y (honestly, I'm not sure if it is or not, so better safe than sorry), so other than that I'll be brief.

This was a wonderful book that I found incredibly hard to put down. I loved the multiple POVs and felt that each of the women had a truly unique voice. The writing was superb and full of emotion. I certainly recommend this book.

SpoilerI appreciated the ending to Somewhere Out There. While I enjoy "everything is rainbows and sunshine" endings just as much as the next person, I also really love the endings that aren't so perfect. It's not that I don't think this book doesn't have a happy ending (it absolutely does in its very own way), it's not the gloriously happy reunion that a person may wish for. The ending truly felt authentic for the story and the characters. The alternative wouldn't have felt as realistic and would have been disappointing for me.

* This book was received from Atria Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. *