A review by ree128
Brightly Burning Bridges by Ivy Wild


Missed opportunity

Silas and Skylar meet again after a decade apart. Silas sees this as a second chance after he had messed thing's up between them in high school. We get an opportunity to see what had happened between them in the past and see how horrible he had been to Skylar.
Skylar arrived at Potomac her senior year and was used to being the odd person out, people always stared or were uncomfortable around her because she had lavender eyes and no pigmentation. Silas was the only person who saw her and told her not to talk small. She thought he was her friend, until he did something so awful to her.
Ten years later he finds her working as a waitress, can she trust her heart to him again? Is it worth risking it when he offers her a job as his personal assistant, can they keep it all business and not make it personal. Silas has plans for Skylar, first is to get her where he can see her everyday, then get her to trust him again. But can he do this?
I love this book, not only was it a bully romance, but it was about second chances. It was beautifully written. Silas had changed so much from when we first met him in The Estate, he's so much more humble than before. The glimpse we have of him now of when he was growing up helps to explain why he was the way he was too. Excellent back story.