A review by naiapard
King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Clair


This book should have been a DNF on my part, but out of respect for this author I forced myself through it.

Needless to say, this was not it.

The premise sounded really interesting and coming from this author I thought that it will be a really fun read.

Let`s say it wasn`t.

No matter, I have been disappointed by books countless times before, so no hard feelings there.

I will pick some exrcepts and I will make some small notes on their side. I am doing this more to vent off, rather than to convince anyone else of what kind of opinion they should have about this book.

Also, take into consideration that I started this book immediately as it was released (November 2021) and I finished it just now (June 2022). That much excitement succeeded in stirring in me. Between the first time I started it and its end I read other 50+ books and hardly did I want to return to finish this one.

The 1st Quote:

“ I reacted when he touched me—my head felt light, my face grew flushed, my whole body felt alive and yet on edge, unprepared for the next sensation he might urge to the surface.”

--Ok, this was not that bad. I mean, it is not that great either, I am getting more creeped out than turned out vibes, but I would let this one slide. I only presented it so you`ll have an idea of the writing style (which is overdoing it, in my opinion).

The 2nd Quote:

“Never forget, my queen, that goddesses are just humans with great power.”

--the f is this supposed to mean? If they have power are they humans anymore and vice versa? I cannot take such quotes seriously. This was supposed to deliver a dramatic punch into the guts of the readers. I was only wondering how is this making any sense?

The 3rd Quote:

“But my eyes had shifted to Safira, who lingered near his throne, dressed in powder blue and silver.[…]”

--I disliked so much what followed after this introduction of this woman. The protagonist proceeded in dismantling any shred of respect that the reader might hold for this poor character that was only put there to play the role of the “slutty” temptress who wants to steal another`s man. I barfed.

The 4th Quote:

“As his final words fell from his lips, he met my gaze, and I saw the promise in his eyes.

It was then I realized how wrong I’d been about Adrian.

He was a god.”

--this was the moment when I declared this book to be too trashy. I mean, c`mon, girl. You are trying with your entire might to make him seem larger than life, but I only saw him in weird shades of a male with issues.

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