A review by laurenjodi
Only Yours by Susan Mallery


Only Yours
4.5 Stars

Montana Hendrix's dream job working with therapy dogs is placed in jeopardy when one of her charges, an overexuberant golden retriever, runs amok in the Fool's Gold hospital and ignites the ire of the newest surgeon, Simon Bradley. Despite getting off on the wrong foot, Montana and Simon find common ground helping the young patients at the hospital. Can Dr. Wrong turn into Dr. Right?

This is the best installment in the series so far.

Montana is lovely; a woman who truly cares about helping others and giving back to the community. Likewise, Simon is an amazing hero. Scarred both physically and emotionally by a traumatic childhood tragedy, his strength of character and desire to save his patients are admirable - there is nothing quite like a tortured hero finding the perfect match. Simon and Montana have incredible chemistry and their sexual tension sizzles on the pages.

The secondary storyline involving Montana's boss, Max Thurman, and her mother, Denise, has potential and I look forward to finding out what happens with them.

Of course, the book has the added bonus of including some adorable canine characters earning it an extra half star. Hopefully, the next book (Nevada's story) will be just as engaging.