A review by kitaysnt
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab


it's so weird that i found this book bland and boring but i still managed to read this without stopping ... ve schwab really has a knack for writing.

here in vengeful we got to see what happened long after vicious, and we also went back and forth between the past and the present. each character, especially the ones who didn't get to share their past in vicious, is discussed deeper in this book, although dully. what made me think like this is that it seemed like the story was getting nowhere notable? the main character's goal was just the same as the one in vicious and the only addition here is some new characters that weren't developed properly and in the end they proved to be quite unnecessary. i'm not even going to be surprised if in victorious later the main character's purpose will be as same as in the previous books because honestly it is getting more and more predictable. vicious was clearly a pleasant experience for me while vengeful is nowhere near that feeling, i don't know whether to be excited for the third book but maybe i'll give it a chance later when it comes out.