A review by charspages
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales


This book, you guys. This effing book. I am so full of love and joy and gratitude that I got to read this, experience this, be a part of this incredible story. Let me tell you: I graduated high school almost four years ago now. My best-friend-turned-girlfriend and I just broke up two weeks ago, and I've spent every day since crying. Reading this book was the first time I cried because of something else - and let me clarify: I cried happy tears.
This felt like a homecoming, like a warm hug, like that gentle reminder You belong here. You're queer enough. Your mistakes aren't irredeemable. You're enough. You are not unlovable.
I couldn't have asked for a better comfort read if I'd tried.

proper RTW when I manage to collect my thoughts properly