A review by michelle_chloe
Marked by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast



This was like my fourth reread of this book, but it was the first time Iā€™ve read it as an ā€œadultā€ (who am I kidding, Iā€™m still a big child). I used to devour this series! I was so in love with the plot, the characters and the romances. And to be honest, I still kinda am, but not like I used to.

Now Iā€™m older I can see the little faults and mistakes in the book. But my love for the characters (especially Damienā¤ļø) is still here. I am going to continue on with the series, Iā€™ve never actually finished the whole thing! Iā€™ve always stopped around the sixth book.šŸ˜³
Trying to get past that one this time!