A review by questsandcrimes
The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme


For 100 years the kingdom of Perin Faye has suffered under the rule of a cruel king. The once prosperous nation suffers under the weight of stolen magic and greed. Maralyth Graylaern is a vintner’s daughter, but she harbors a magical secret. Alac Thungrave is the king’s second son, the spare, but he’s always been uncomfortable with his father’s dark magic. When Maralyth is drawn into a plot to overthrow the king, a dangerous cat and mouse game ensues.

If you’ve read other reviews for The Stolen Kingdom, I’m going to echo a similar sentiment. I loved the magic system in this book. So much that I wanted more. There’s a light side and a dark side, and I wanted more of how they’d interact.

Both of our MCs, Mara and Alac, are so sweet. They have clear lines of what’s right and wrong, yet somehow it gets blurred. I loved learning about them and their motivations.

I think my favorite thing about this was the wine plot line. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book involving winemaking. It was a refreshing trade to delve into. Also...I just love wine.

If you’re looking for a YA regency story, I definitely recommend The Stolen Kingdom. It’s got loveable characters, a familiar trope with a fresh spin, dark magic, and forbidden love. All the things! It has all the things!

Thank you to Tor Teen and Netgalley for my review copy.