A review by booksrlush_
What Happened That Night by Deanna Cameron


Overall a good read, the beginning seemed strong but I feel like as it progresses it seemed to get a little weaker. This book seemed to drag a little as it was very slow-paced and for me felt like double the length it really was. I was intrigued by this title as soon as I read the synopsis but I wasn't as great as I was expecting it be but I did enjoy it enough to finish it. I do have to say a warning here as there is sensitive topic, Rape, Domestic Violence and threats of violence,

The family grieving. Emily is in jail waiting to go to trial for the murder of Griffin Tomlin. it feels like everyone is in denial her mother, filling her days with digging in the dead garden. Her father supports Emily fully and doesn't understand why his wife doesn't. He is close to leaving. Clara is filled with guilt. The story only just starts with Griffin Tomlin's murder but it's not the only story that needs to be told. The lies that we weave are sometimes better than the truth.

The plot was somewhat predictable but a few twists made it more interesting. I liked Cara as a main character as she was slightly unreliable but I do wish we got some of Emily's POV. I would have liked to see some of Emily's motives explained.

If you like slow burn, thrillers that seem pretty predictable with some twist and a main character who is good to follow. Unraveling lies and finding out truths this is something you'd enjoy.