A review by piepieb
The Anastasia Syndrome and Other Stories by Mary Higgins Clark


I've always been a great fan of Mary Higgins Clark, and I was delighted to find this book recently at Goodwill. A novel of hers that I hadn't yet read! :)
The first story - "The Anastasia Syndrome" - was probably my favorite - it was really well-written, including a certain plot twist that I didn't see coming - I could see all the people and places in my mind's eye - and the ending was chillingly creepy. The next tale, "Terror Stalks the Class Reunion," wasn't as good, and I kept waiting for the story to get better. "Lucky Day" was another well-written thriller, a story that kept me in suspense throughout. "Double Vision" was good - as someone who has been involved with theatre, I enjoyed this story as well. The last one - a short story entitled "The Lost Angel" - takes place on Christmas Eve and it was given a happy, heart-touching ending. It was interesting seeing parts of the story from the viewpoint of a four-year-old girl, who is lost and lonely and frightened ... with good reason to be.
All in all, a goodly collection of suspenseful stories that will scare you and thrill you!