A review by rdyourbookcase
Finish the Fight!: The Brave and Revolutionary Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote by Veronica Chambers, The Staff of the New York Times


Finish the Fight belongs in every library and everyone should read it. I might have to buy it for my own collection. The illustrations were fantastic, and the stories made me proud of the women I was learning about and horrified of how recent some of the injustices were. Sadly, North and South Dakota were two of those offenders - way too close to home. My two favorites were Ida B. Wells and Zitkala-Sa. I can't wait to learn more about them. The powerful last few pages of the book compared 1920 to 2020 in terms of female representation, and boy, do we have a long way to go.

It made me think about the sexism that I have confronted in my life and how frustrated I was (having to pay more for health insurance because I was a female of childbearing age, finding a will template that said I would give up everything to my husband's family instead of my beneficiary if we died simultaneously, customers at work asking for a guy to help them with their tablets, etc.). I can't imagine living during a time when it was worse. Three cheers for the historical fighters and the women who wrote this book!