A review by sdertinger
What If a Fish by Anika Fajardo


Little Eddie lives with his hard-working mother in Minnesota. He goes to summer camp where he meets the a girl with the coolest purple hair, Cameron. It was totally spontaneous how they met and how in that first time they met they planned to be partners in a local fishing tournament; the tournament that his father won 3rd place in many years ago. Little Eddie doesn't have his father anymore, he died and it's been just him and his mom. All he has are memories from long ago locked up in his garage where he can't easily get them. But he knows that he got third place in this same fishing tournament because he found his father's medal. He treasures it and keeps it in his pocket. Little Eddie is half-Colombian and his half-brother, Big Eddie, is supposed to stay with him and his mom for part of the summer because he was going to attend school. Well, in Colombia, Big Eddie has to stay with his abuela. She has cancer and is not doing well. Little Eddie, who has never left Minnesota, is invited to spend the summer with his older half-brother. Little does he know, what he is going to learn.

In this book, we learn a lot about the struggles of Little Eddie and his ability to feel comfortable in his skin. He doesn't know Spanish and he tries to learn what it is like to be a true "Colombian" - he feels like a fish out of water. While he is in Colombia magic unfolds and things that look like one thing turn into another. He also learns a lot about his Papa and what it means to