A review by briannethebookworm
Once More We Saw Stars: A Memoir of Life and Love After Unimaginable Loss by Jayson Greene


At only two years old, Greta Greene is involved in a freak accident while spending the day with her Grandma Susan. Her parents, Jayson and Stacy, are plagued with grief and thrust into an unimaginable situation, one that they believed only happened to other people. In the aftermath of Greta’s accident, Jayson and Stacy must learn how to navigate the emotions surrounding the loss of their daughter and find a way to continue living their lives with purpose.

I listened to this one on audio, narrated by Jayson Greene. I think the fact that the author narrated his own story made the novel more impactful for me. It was a heartbreaking story, and it was amazing that Jayson and Stacy were able to handle their loss with such grace. While the loss of a child sometimes tears parents apart, Jayson and Stacy looked to each other for support more than ever. A tragic story that gives us perspective and teaches us about the journey of grief.