A review by sonialusiveira
From the Ashes: My Story of Being Métis, Homeless, and Finding My Way by Jesse Thistle


3.5 Stars.
“Mom used to think I was mute, but I could speak fine, I just chose not to. My words belonged to me, they were the only thing I had that were mine, and I didn’t trust anyone enough to share them.”

Thank you for finally sharing your story with the world, Jesse! From the Ashes is a raw, and a bit insightful and heart-wrenching memoir of Jesse Thistle, a Métis-Cree assistant professor at York University. It is inspiring how the author turned his life around after the mess he put himself in. I also appreciate the author’s candour, his openness about all the complicated things he found himself in and all the struggles he went through.

However, for a book that is so raw and full of tragedy, this memoir sounds very emotionless. I have developed a fascination toward audiobooks in the last couple months, especially memoirs narrated by the authors themselves because of the emotions that often bring their stories to life. But it is missing in this book. It sounds instead like the author is retelling some factual life story of a stranger.

Overall, it is still a good read and I recommend it. Jesse is another living proof that it is never too late to start again. That no matter what life throws at you, you can still thrive if you work hard enough.