A review by fairywine
Much Ado about Jack by Christy English


This should have been called Much Ado About Johnson. The hero's constant boner was just as prominent a character as the hero and heroine, and at least had a clearly defined motivation.

I'm not going to lie, this one was pretty painful to get through. 3/4ths of the book is the hero's unending boner saga. There's no interest in the heroine's qualities beyond what sexually exites him and the possibility of getting laid. (It doesn't help that the hero's pov is a constant litany of "Zounds! A woman who doesn't rip off her clothes and fall onto my dick the instant she sees me! How can this be?!) Totally unlikable and the "romance" completely unconvincing.

The heroine was a little more interesting, at least in theory. She's a widow from a bad marriage, just ended another long affair, and discovers her husband left an illegitimate daughter behind she decides to raise. All of this wouldn't have been enough to salvage the novel if done well, but the reading experience would have been somewhat more bearable. Alas, this was not the case. Heroine was bland and three dimensional as cardboard. I literally can't recall a thing about her. Add in a Snidely Whiplash-ian villain and a snooze of a plot and you have a novel that's dead on arrival.

This is the kind of romance novel that makes people judge the genre so harshly. Needless to say I won't be seeking out any of the author's other books. Avoid, avoid, avoid.