A review by bookhoarder76
Drive by Kate Stewart


Let me just start my review by saying I'm a big fan of band/rocker books it's just not my thing and I don't usually enjoy them as much as everyone else that reads the. But this book? THIS book is so going on my fave reads of the year list! Maybe because it was about the drummer (they're my faves) and not the guitarist or lead singer LOL I don't know but Ahhhhhhh! I couldn't get enough of this book it's all I could think about when I couldn't read! My goodness! The angst....the GOOD kind not the annoying kind....just wow. Such a well written love triangle I loved ALL of the characters so much. I truly had NO idea who Stella would wind up with until the very very end when I read the name. I FREAKIN LOVE THAT! Kate Stewart this is my first read by you but most certainly not my last! Bravo! If I could give it 5 stars I would. Man I feel a hangover coming on!