A review by eslismyjam
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


I would have liked this more if I could have learned to like Raven, but I couldn’t like her. It was nice that she was fierce and had tons of agency and fought her own battles, but she was so angry and mean to Eighth/August I couldn’t deal. This book is pretty slow paced right up until the end when a lot happens and a lot is revealed all at once. August is the better character, but to emphasize with his situation you have to understand why he loves Raven and I didn’t get it. He literally is kind to her for the entire book and for about 90% of it she is horrible to him- even after he saves her life. There is a cliffhanger ending but after the reveals in the last few pages I don’t feel I need to read it. What I wanted throughout was more information about the aliens and I was desperate for him to take off his armor. That’s honestly what kept me reading. There is a lot left unknown and unresolved with regard to who and what the aliens are but I don’t think I could handle another who book in Raven’s head, so I won’t read the sequel.