A review by rusticreadingal
The Christmas Heirloom: Four Holiday Novellas of Love Through the Generations by Karen Witemeyer, Sarah Loudin Thomas, Kristi Ann Hunter, Becky Wade


The Christmas Heirloom is a collection of four heartwarming holiday romance novellas following the journey of a brooch that's passed on down through the generations. It featured three authors I was familiar with and one that was new to me. It was such a delight to read and sure got me into the Christmas spirit!

Legacy of Love by Kristi Ann Hunter – Five Stars
Why haven't I read more of Kristi Ann Hunter's books? This was such a great story filled with a lot of laughs, so much heart, and quite a few tears too. It was witty and charming and unputdownable. I read it pretty much in one sitting. I didn't want to leave these characters for one second. The dowager was hands down my favorite. She had quite the feisty personality and in many ways reminded me of my own spunky grandma. This story definitely makes me want to go catch up on the rest of Hunter's books that I haven't read quite yet.

Gift of the Heart by Karen Witemeyer – Four Stars
I've enjoyed many of Witemeyer's books so I was very excited to start Gift of the Heart. It was so good! The characters were great and so genuine. Ruth was such a strong and admirable woman. Naomi, her daughter, was a sweet and adorable little girl. And Bo! Oh my! What an all-around good guy he was! This story sure left me with a big smile on my face!

A Shot at Love by Sarah Loudin Thomas – Four Stars
This was my first time reading anything by this author. It takes place in the late 1950's which I don't think I'd ever read a story set during that time period. I was unsure if I'd enjoy it because of that but I ended up liking it a lot. Fleeta was quite the interesting character, so fierce and determined. She's a tomboy who loves hunting and guns. She's different than the normal leading lady, but that's what made her so great and likeable. It took me a minute to get into this story, but once I did, I couldn't read it fast enough.

Because of You by Becky Wade – Five Stars
I'm not gonna lie, this story was the one I was most looking forward to. I've been loving the Bradford Sisters series and was excited to visit them again. This story is about Maddie Winslow who works at the chocolate shop, Sweet Arts, with her best friend Britt Bradford. It was really nice to get Maddie's story and to learn more about her. Her and Leo were easy to like and root for.

All in all, The Christmas Heirloom was an excellent collection. I really enjoyed all four stories and would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes good, sweet romances.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.