A review by fictionaltiff
Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People by Ben Crump


“The Constitution and Bill of Rights provide the backbone of American greatness, but we still have to recognize and root out fundamentally racist beliefs and discriminatory laws that have contaminated and corrupted American greatness from our nation’s birth.”
Ben Crump’s Open Season is a perfect starting point for those who want a better understanding of systemic racism and the specific ways Black people are still experiencing racism in America on a daily basis. Attorney Ben Crump, the attorney who has represented high-profile cases, such as Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, works through explaining the justice system, voter suppression, environmental racism, and more — he breaks down each flaw in our country’s history and present day that we’ve yet to overcome. It’s not only about white people being racist. Our country doesn’t have a strong support system for people of color and there are many remedies to be made that everyone must understand.
I would challenge everyone to read this book and see that it has the power to change your mind on some things or give you a better understanding of the people around you.
Before reading this book I thought I had a decent knowledge of the judicial process and its effects on all people; but having Crump lay it all out for me with specific examples and personal stories, I feel as if he removed some blind spots I was unaware of.
I’m extremely thankful for this book and the way it has changed my point of view.