A review by northernatlas
Millay: Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay


(I actually read Volume 29 of New Adelphi Library, which is not on Goodreads and doesn't have an ISBN number. Originally published in 1927.) Along with Plath, Millay is another author that I've taken far too long to read. Her work is rhythmic and lyrical, and much of it is rooted in the natural world. She weaves themes of death and loss and longing into the core of her work. Millay utilizes myth and lore, expanding her own grief into the existing characters of ageless storytelling. The simplicity of her sonnets and stanzas is overpowering at times, for if anyone has tried to write a poem, they know the balance between effective storytelling and artistic license is difficult to achieve. Of these poems, some of my favourites include Renascence, the Blue-Flag in the Bog, and Mariposa.