A review by pavi_fictionalworm
High Heat by Annabeth Albert


Actual Rating 3.75 Stars

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Publisher and Netgalleyin echange for an honest review. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

An age gap m/m romance that will scorch your kindle/e-reader once you start reading it! This is the second book in the Hotshot Series – though I didn’t find any issue connecting to the story and the characters; though some secondary characters were mentioned throughout the book!

Garrick suffered through one of the worst injuries as part of his firefighting duties – he is however determined to get back on his feet, figuratively and literally, even though its an uphill climb. He identifies as pansexual; and though with his sexual activities restricted (mostly cause of his injuries), he wasn’t expecting to be confronted by the grandson of his neighbour, a young femme man, Rain who is the only one he has found himself to be sexually attracted to in a long time, even though he was a player before his accident.

Rain, on the other is a confident young man, very comfortable with his sexual identity and is definitely attracted to the older man living next door to his grandmother – Garrick. A man he meets when he rescues a pup and needs his grandmother’s help!

Garrick and Rain are instantly attracted to each other and are absolutely okay keeping their “relationship” low – key and at whatever physical level they both are comfortable with. The age gap between them is more of a social constrict than a restriction they put on themselves.

Can I just say that I am all here for the absolute confidence and reverence the author has treated the representation of pansexuality as well as the easy acceptance that Garrick the femme side of Rain – the fact that it was easily considered to be a part of who Rain is as a human being; than efforts being made to dampen his very colourful personality!

It is a personal issue that I had, was with the overemphasis on the sexual aspect of their relationship beyond what was actually required for their relationship – yes, I get it that theirs was a purely physical relationship; more for fun rather than long term need. Yet still I still believed that their’s sexual relationship took more page time than was required.

Absolutely scorching, slow burn romance that neither Garrick nor Rain realise that they are building towards – a shared home, including a cute and adorable pup both of them fall in love with, without even realising it! Would definitely recommend this one to the readers of this genre!

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