A review by enchantressofbooks
His Billion Dollar Baby by Lea Nolan


This is the first book I read by author Lea Nolan. It will definitely not be the last! While a common troupe in romance, Lea provided a breathe of fresh air in the form of her characters. Gwen is strong, independent and isn't fazed by the good looks nor charm of Carter. Carter is one jaded man and boy he's hot and sexy as well. Put these two together in a room and it makes for an interesting conversation. Loved the bantering between the two.

What I also LOVED about this story were Carter's parents. They bring a new element and a twist from the traditional "snob parents" type that we may be used to reading in romance as well. They were adorable. Each bringing their own unique voices to help Carter with his issues where women are concerned.

Overall a great read that is provides you with the HEA but also has a great message regarding our military. I do love how Lea added that piece to the story.

This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books