A review by rereader33
Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales by Neal Shusterman


Sooo, this is for kids? Seriously? This collection of horror stories is for KIDS?

Mmm-hmm, whatever you say...

I don't really know how to approach this review. On the one hand, these stories aren't meant for my age group (adults), so any criticism seems weird because it's not meant for me, right? But on the other hand, even if this is meant for kids, that doesn't mean I can't critique it, right? Well, the only solution I found was to write my reaction after reading each story. I literally can't think of any other way of going about this review. No joke, this was such a FUCKING WEIRD but honestly great collection of short stories. That being said, let me get this out of the way: I'm not giving each story full reviews because my reaction to the story will speak for itself, trust me on that. The last thing I'd like to say is I IMPLORE YOU to read the foreword before reading this collection. It seriously explains a lot about this collection and Shusterman's writing as a whole. With that out of the way, here are my reactions to the twenty stories in this haunting collection:

"Catching Cold"-*closes book after reading* What's the age demographic for this collection? *looks at spine label that reads "Juvenile Literature"* Yep, that makes sense.

"Who Do We Appreciate?"-Not bad, pretty cool concept.

"Soul Survivor"-Wooooow, that was...DARK.

"Black Box"-that was a DICK MOVE, Neal Shusterman. DICK. MOVE. But I still liked it.

"Resting Deep"-How the FUCK did he get away with publishing this piece FOR KIDS?! Holy fuck, that was DARK!!

"Security Blacket"-Welp, that's gonna scar the kids. And me. FOR LIFE.

"Same Time Next Year"-I don't understand the science, only that karma IS A BITCH.

"The River Tour"-That was pretty clever, I liked it.

"Flushie"-What the ACTUAL FUCK, Neal Shusterman?!

"Monkeys Tonight"-*laughs nervously, eyes dart across the room* Okaaay...

"Screaming at the Wall"-Damn, that was good! What a cool story!

"Growing Pains"-Wow, that did not end the way I thought it would. And I'm glad I didn't read this when I was younger or I'd be scarred for life. Yaaay...

"Alexander's Skull"-*reads inspiration behind story, having already read "Red Rider's Hood"* *Finishes story* Yep, that was better than "Red Rider's Hood".

"Connecting Flight"-Well, that was...interesting. And weird. VERY WEIRD.

"Ralphy Sherman's Root Canal"-More funny than scary, but good nonetheless.

"An Ear For Music"-Pride goeth before the fall.

"Riding the Raptor"-What an unexpectedly sad story dealing with very real issues. Bravo, Shusterman, bravo.

"Trash Day"-Be careful what you wish for, kiddos.

"Crystalloid"-What the FLYING FUCKER FUCK, Shusterman?! Are you TRYING to scar children?! Because it's FUCKING WORKING, and I'M AN ADULT!!

"Shadow of Doubt"-Fucking awesome. Never read any Shusterman poetry, but I am SO DOWN for more, a great ending to this collection.

And that's about it. I highly recommend this collection, even for adults. Shusterman tackles A LOT of mature themes in this collection and holy SHIT are some of the stories dark. I had a lot more fun with it than I thought and I would love read more of his short story collections.